Das Leeze Boomboard

The Leeze boom board

As passionate cyclists, we are well aware of the advantages of indoor cycling, but also the challenges - such as monotony and sitting problems. Based on our many years of experience in cycling, our mission is to make the indoor cycling experience of our community more pleasant and realistic with innovative products! And all of this at a fair price!

With this mission in mind, in 2020 we developed the first version of the Leeze Boom Board with the innovative spring mechanism that allows the suspension to be individually adjusted. A corresponding utility model has been registered. During its development, we incorporated not only the subjective feelings of our test riders, but also the results of saddle pressure measurements in order to be able to objectify the benefit of the Leeze Boom Board.

After the overwhelming feedback on the first version of the Leeze Boom Board, we have been working intensively on further developing the board since spring 2021. We had Professor Eric Helter carry out FEM simulation analyzes in order to optimally adapt the material of the Leeze Boom Board to the stress of indoor cycling. On this basis, the Leeze Boom Board Pro was created, which is made of 100% recycled polypropylene with glass fiber reinforcement. This material offers optimized driving characteristics and has a doubly positive effect on the environment. On the one hand, resources are conserved because no new fossil raw materials enter the cycle. On the other hand, plastic waste that otherwise ends up in landfills on land or in the sea is removed from the waste stream.

Leeze Boom Board Pro FEM Analyse

In addition to the Boom Board Pro, we offer the right indoor cycling set-up for everyone with the Boom Board mini and the Boom Board Lite as well as the Boom Desk and matching accessories. True to the motto "the heroes of summer are made in winter", we will continue to work passionately on your indoor cycling experience in the future.

Your Leeze Boom Crew

Frank Decker, Florian Otterpohl (both founders of Leeze GmbH), Christoph Rahmann (digitalization expert), Dr. Daniel Westmattelmann (former time trial specialist) and Lukas Biermann (e-commerce expert)